Window Mesh Seaglass Shard

by Adee Matheney
(San Clemente, California)

Window Mesh Seaglass Shard

Window Mesh Seaglass Shard

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Adee Matheney, San Clemente, California

Where was this photo taken?

I took the photo in Ventura, California.

I put it on a plate when we got in the car.

It was so neat to see such a unique piece of seaglass.

I truthfully had never seen anything like it in person so far yet.

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

It was about mid-May, later afternoon, about an hour before the peak of low tide in Ventura.

It was truthfully, a very lovely day.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I love how you can see the full contrast of the metal within the glass with the plate cool behind it, I believe it brings out the rust on the sides even more.

I just imagine that this was part of an old Captain's window of some old ship or something neat like that which brought it to me:)

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Oh, I just used my iPhone

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

I'm not much of a photographer....I am though in love with seaglass and the ocean.

As far as that goes I always suggest to people looking for seaglass to look for the little pieces of light:)

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Adee Matheney, San Clemente, California

Click here to see all the submissions to the Odyssey Sea Glass Online Digital Photo contests.

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Comments for Window Mesh Seaglass Shard

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Jul 28, 2014
sea glass with wire
by: Rick

Hello Adee,

Your find is very nice. This glass came from safety glass windows that were in factories and in some office buildings.

I live in Wisconsin by Lake Michigan and almost every time I go hunting for beach glass I find at least one piece of this glass with wire in it.

A lot of it must have been dumped into the lake years ago, and it is now washing ashore for people to find.

Most of the pieces I find are small but I do have a few that are about 2 inches long.

In any case, enjoy your special find and good luck in your future searches.


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