Woody Point, Queensland Sea Glass

by Glass face
(Brisbane, QLD, Australia)

Discovered a lot of sea glass on the low -incoming high tide at Woody Point! I wasn't sure I would find anything. Even found a piece of old green vitrolite tile! Also called Vitrolite sea glass.

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Aug 06, 2024
Beach Information for Woody Point, Queensland
by: Kelsey

Woody Point is a charming coastal suburb in the Moreton Bay Region of Queensland, Australia. It’s a popular spot for beachcombing due to its scenic location and relatively calm waters. Here’s some information that might help you with your beachcombing adventure:

Beach Features
Location: Woody Point is situated on the western side of the Redcliffe Peninsula, facing Moreton Bay. The area offers a relaxed, suburban beach experience with easy access to amenities.

Beach Composition: The beach here is typically sandy with occasional pebbles. It’s a great place to find a variety of shells, driftwood, and other marine debris. You might also encounter the occasional small piece of coral.

Tides and Water: The tides can affect what you find on the beach. Low tide is often the best time for beachcombing as more of the shoreline is exposed. The water is generally calm, making it ideal for a leisurely stroll and exploration.

Beachcombing Tips
Timing: Early morning or late afternoon is a good time for beachcombing. The light is softer, and you might avoid the crowds. Low tide offers more opportunities to find interesting items washed up on the shore.

What to Look For: Look for seashells of various shapes and sizes, small pieces of driftwood, sea glass, and marine debris. Occasionally, you might find interesting sea creatures or even small fossils.

Tools: A small bucket or bag for collecting items and a stick or trowel for digging around in the sand can be helpful. Some people also use a fine mesh sieve to sift through the sand for smaller treasures.

Respect the Environment: While beachcombing, be mindful of local wildlife and the natural environment. Avoid disturbing nesting sites or fragile ecosystems.

Nearby Attractions
Woody Point Jetty: A popular spot for fishing and taking in the views of Moreton Bay. It’s also a good place to spot local marine life.

Park and Picnic Areas: There are parks and picnic areas along the beach where you can relax after your beachcombing adventure.

Local Shops and Cafes: Woody Point has a few local shops and cafes where you can grab a bite to eat or enjoy a coffee.

Whether you're a seasoned beachcomber or just starting out, Woody Point offers a relaxing and picturesque setting to explore the treasures of the shore. Enjoy your time by the sea!

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