White House Sea Glass Identification?

by Rachel

White House and Washington DC

White House and Washington DC

No bigger than a dime, and has the White House and Washington DC in reverse "stamped" on back.

Opposite side is slightly rounded.

What is this beach glass from?

Comments for White House Sea Glass Identification?

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May 18, 2017
by: Sheri

I would just die if I was the one who found this! Awesome find! Congrats! You must enter this in a contest 😍

May 11, 2017
White House Sea Glass
by: Jennifer Barrows

Beautiful piece!!! I don't know what the piece is or was, but it is not a depiction of the White House but rather the U.S. Capitol building. Nice find!


Apr 21, 2017
Striking find!
by: David

That's exciting but don't know what it could be from.

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