Walking at McCurdy Sea Glass Beach?

by Pete Suchon
(Lynnwood Washington)

The Beach

The Beach

Hi- The wife and I are planning a trip to McCurdy beach in October and I was wondering what kind of beach it is.

I have arthritis in all the joints below the waist and a beach full of small boulders would not be a fun walk for me.

Any information about what I can expect would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Pete and Wife,

The beach usually is manageable.

However, the tidal currents do move the sand around, so there sometimes there is more than others.

At times, there are stretches where it is almost all round rocks, so it just depends on what the beach is like that certain day.

Sometimes there is sand pretty much all the way.

You must go when the tide is going out.

After the tide turns, you can wait an hour before starting back.

If you start the hike at low tide you will get caught and be climbing over rocks at the high tide line on the way back.

I have problems with my musculoskeletal system and was really burnt out after doing the hike out to the point and back while bending over much of the time.

So what I do now if I planning to go to the point or beyond is not bend over much until I'm there. Then before my back gets to hurting too much I start back.

You don't need to go all the way to find a lot of glass...but if you can, it's better!

David (editor)

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Glass Beach Walk
by: Anonymous

Just give yourselves plenty of time. Most parts are sandy and you can stay in the damp areas for better footing. There are stretches, however, with the bigger rocks or soft sand as your choice - just take it slow. There are about four places where trees have fallen down the bluff and block your way - you can step over them, just don't get caught in the incoming tides, as David mentioned, or you will be having to go over or around in knee deep water. For instance, if it's low tide at 2pm at the point, be sure to head back around 3pm. We waited until 4 and had got pretty wet. You will know you are there when you see the few rusty car parts imbedded in the sand. Have fun!

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