Vintage Finds in Alaska - January 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Megan Lierman
(Eagle River, Alaska, USA)

Vintage finds in Alaska

Vintage finds in Alaska

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Megan Lierman, Eagle River, Alaska, USA

Where was this photo taken?

I found this glass Ellamar, Alaska, a remote town accessible only via boat or seaplane. 

Weather and time of day?

Taken May 29, 2016, at 1:15pm (low tide). Weather was sunny and beautiful, with little breeze.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

We had heard that old glass bottles could be found in the cove, so we went hunting.

We found lots of old bottles and pottery, some more sea "cooked" than others.

While the find of the day wasn't very sea worn, the J.G. Fox & Co. bottle from Seattle made me SO happy, despite the broken rim.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Photo was taken with an iPhone 5

 ~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Megan Lierman, Eagle River, Alaska, USA

Map showing location of Ellamar, Alaska:

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Comments for Vintage Finds in Alaska - January 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Jan 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

Love the bottles!

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