Unique Sea Glass Block?

by Tiffany
(Virginia, United States)

Any ideas as to what this unique block could be?

Any ideas as to what this unique block could be?


I found this strange piece on a Chesapeake Bay beach in Norfolk, VA and am not sure what it is.

It's about 3.5" x 2" x 2"

I think it's beautiful and unique regardless, but I was wondering if anyone could possibly help to identify it?

Thank You! :)

Comments for Unique Sea Glass Block?

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Jun 08, 2015
Thank you!
by: Tiffany

WOW!!! :) Thank you so very much, Amy (and David)! I appreciate the info. I've never seen an insulator like these...Very cool!

Jun 08, 2015
Good job!
by: David

That looks pretty close, Amy.

Good job on running down that information.

David and Lin

Jun 07, 2015
Glass block insulator 1847
by: Amy

i did a quick google search of 'Aqua glass block'' and it lead me to this page:

Looks like an "early" telegraph insulator (1847!!!) there is a picture down below on the right of the glass block insulator.

Also this page gives more info:

People collect these as well, you might have a piece that's worth quite a bit to someone?!

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