'Teal' We Meet Again, My 'Heart' Is Yours - June 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Lydia
(Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan)

One of my most prized sea glass find 😍

One of my most prized sea glass find 😍

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Lydia - Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Where was this photo taken?

This was taken in my home, but found on a beach in Kanagawa Prefecture in Japan.

Weather and time of day?

I can't recall the exact date, but sometime in April 2016 and definitely around 10:00 am and I believe it was cloudy and highs in the 60s.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I wanted to capture its beauty in its natural state as best I could.  

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Just my plain old iPhone.

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

It's best to capture sea glass in its dry, unaltered state, and  in natural lighting so that you can share its true beauty and uniqueness with others.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Lydia - Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

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Comments for 'Teal' We Meet Again, My 'Heart' Is Yours - June 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Jun 23, 2016
Like this teal
by: Jan

My favorite

Jun 22, 2016
by: Gail Smith

I love hearts, I love seaglass, and teal is my favorite color so this is like hitting the trifecta! Thanks for sharing!

Jun 18, 2016
My Lucky Day!
by: Lydia

My heart skipped a beat when this flawless gem revealed itself in the sand as the tide quickly cascaded away. It's deep teal color stood out like a sore thumb and I quickly snatched it up before the tide and was able to reclaim this beauty. Mother Nature at its finest! 😍❀

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