Surf City, NC
by Evan
(Leesburg, VA)
Surf City
~ submitted by Evan in Leesburg, VA
Found about 20 pieces walking the beach today (2-3 hours).
All were rounded and frosted.
I have only found clear, green and brown. Mostly small to medium size; I have only found one large one so far.
Rating: Fair (1 to 4 pieces of jewelry grade sea glass found per hour)
by Evan
Map of Surf City area:
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Added Info on Surf City, NC: North Carolina has beaches that go forever, and on the way is Surf City, N.C.
Driving north of Wilmington somewhat off the beaten path, Surf City offers miles of beaches with beautiful sun and sunsets. It is easy to find a stretch of beach with few people, nice swimming, and great beachcombing, including the odd piece of sea glass as reported above.
Check the hurricane forecasts, though, when planning a trip, though, as tropical storm weather passes through this area occasionally.
When hurricane Fran went through in 1996, three of the four piers in Surf City disappeared. It has been 15+ years since then, however, and the effects of that hurricane are almost invisible. So don't worry too much :-)
Check out these hotels for a vacation near Surf City, NC: If this information has been interesting, entertaining, and/or helpful, please remember to
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