Sun Colored Lavender Sea Glass Bottle Stopper
by Sara Rinard
(Turtle Bay, TX)
Amethyst Sea Glass Bottle Stopper
My mother and I found this flawless, ocean tumbled gem on a shoreline in Smith Point, Texas near some oyster reefs last Monday.
There is just no telling where it came from as this area took a hard hit from Hurricane Ike in 2008. Storm surge readings were very high and the impact of this storm is still visible today.
We've done a bit of research on our bottle stopper and it seems the glass was originally clear but has changed to an amethyst hue over time due to the glass' manganese oxide content (added as a clarifying agent when the article was made) reacting with the sun's UV rays over time.
Additionally, the manganese content of the glass helps us to assign it the approximate age of 90 years or more...
Wow! How it has survived in such a remarkable state of preservation, and yet has been tumbled so nicely to a perfect frost is beyond me.
It was sitting on top of a bank of oyster shell and rock when I discovered it. I couldn't believe my eyes!
The glass hunting bug has bitten... We can't wait to visit this area again, soon. You never know what you will find, or where.
That is the thrill of beach combing for us.