Sun Colored Lavender Sea Glass Bottle Stopper

by Sara Rinard
(Turtle Bay, TX)

Amethyst Sea Glass Bottle Stopper

Amethyst Sea Glass Bottle Stopper

My mother and I found this flawless, ocean tumbled gem on a shoreline in Smith Point, Texas near some oyster reefs last Monday.

There is just no telling where it came from as this area took a hard hit from Hurricane Ike in 2008. Storm surge readings were very high and the impact of this storm is still visible today.

We've done a bit of research on our bottle stopper and it seems the glass was originally clear but has changed to an amethyst hue over time due to the glass' manganese oxide content (added as a clarifying agent when the article was made) reacting with the sun's UV rays over time.

Additionally, the manganese content of the glass helps us to assign it the approximate age of 90 years or more...

Wow! How it has survived in such a remarkable state of preservation, and yet has been tumbled so nicely to a perfect frost is beyond me.

It was sitting on top of a bank of oyster shell and rock when I discovered it. I couldn't believe my eyes!

The glass hunting bug has bitten... We can't wait to visit this area again, soon. You never know what you will find, or where.

That is the thrill of beach combing for us.

Comments for Sun Colored Lavender Sea Glass Bottle Stopper

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Jan 12, 2022
I found one almost identical except for the colour on my local beach stone bay in broadstairs Kent uk.
by: Justine

Pity I can't add a picture of the blue one I've found

Aug 24, 2019
Purple bottle top
by: Anonymous

I found the same top near rollover pass!!

Jul 30, 2015
Sea Glass Bottle Stopper on Crystal Beach, TX
by: Ann Campbell

Spent the weekend with my children and grandchildren beach combing for sea glass at Crystal Beach and High Island.

The first thing my daughter-in-law picked up was an aqua glass bottle stopper!!

I couldn't believe it. Well...that got all of our family on a quest for sea glass!

We found lots of brown, green and white but also a fair amount of aqua and a few tiny pieces of cobalt blue.

Sep 30, 2014
I saw an aqua one
by: wolfwoman

While walking the beach (Lynn, MA)I met a young woman new to sea glass searching.

I was blown away when I saw the gorgeous aqua glass stopper she had just found.

It was perfect, just like yours, and beautifully sea tumbled.

Talk about beginner's luck!

Jun 16, 2011
by: Diane

That piece is wonderful, what a find!

Apr 09, 2011
Matching Stopper - Sea Glass Bolivar Peninsula, TX
by: Douglas Wilson

My wife and I were "beach hunting" Bolivar Peninsula, TX at almost the same exact time as your find.

Wendy found an identical stopper to yours--only a little lighter in color. She also found marbles in the same area as the stopper.

If you connect the dots between your find and Wendy's it follows the path that Hurricane Ike took.

Contact me at and I would be happy to share the photos.

Aug 12, 2010
Sun Colored Lavender Sea Glass Bottle Stopper - amazing!
by: Anonymous

this is truly the best piece of sea glass I have ever seen. congrats on your find.

Jul 12, 2010
by: Kay

If I were lucky enough to ever find something this beautiful, someone would have to call 911 & the EMTs would have to hook me up to oxygen!!!

May 31, 2010
Sheer Perfection Sea Glass Stopper
by: Anonymous

I agree, your sea glass stoppper is a treasure. The color makes my heart beat faster.

May 27, 2010
Nice Sea Glass Bottle Stopper!
by: Randy

The stopper is beautiful. I have found two stoppers but they are clear and not in as good condition as that one. I'm jealous!

Mar 30, 2010
by: Anonymous

We are so jealous.
Great find!!!!

Mar 26, 2010
Lavender Stopper
by: Hula Rose

Hi Sara!
Just love your stopper. It's the best piece I have ever seen.Congratulations!It is amazing it is so complete after so long in the ocean.
Keep looking, there may be more. Also where is Turtle Bay? and are there turtles there?
From Hula Rose in Australia

Mar 19, 2010
lavender stopper
by: Kelly Thaden

That is the most beautiful stopper I have ever seen. Did you find any sea glass at Smith Point? I live in Austin and go to Galveston a lot but have never looked there.

Mar 15, 2010
Seaglass Stopper
by: Nick-Seaglassdog

That's a gorgeous apothecary stopper and the quality and color is fantastic! The picture you took really brings the color out! In the 40 plus years of beachcombing N.J Shore beaches I've found only 5 intact stoppers but when I went to England one year I found 40 in one day! As they say Location, Location, Location! Happy hunting!!

Mar 15, 2010
Just beautiful
by: Donna

It is so exciting to find a topper. I found a blue one about a month ago.

I just wanted to show everyone. You did find a beauty.

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