Summer Seaglass Stack - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Cheryl
(British Columbia)

Summer Seaglass Stack

Summer Seaglass Stack

~ Cheryl - British Columbia, Canada

This photo was taken in British Columbia, and the beach glass was found on an tiny spit of beach in Victoria, BC

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

This photo was taken in July, 2011

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I wanted to stack the glass to show off the different colours

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

I used a Canon G9 digital camera.

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

What I like about this photo is the time of day it was taken. The sun was almost down and was casting shadows behind the glass.

~ Cheryl

Comments for Summer Seaglass Stack - August 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Jun 27, 2018
cheryl..seaglass victoria bc 2011
by: brenda

hi planning on visiting victoria in july..would you mind telling me where theis beach is please?

sounds very appealing and would like to try my luck finding seaglass!


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