Searching for Beach Glass Treasures is my passion!

by Samantha Ligmann
(Port Orchard, WA)

Searching for Beach Glass Treasures

Searching for Beach Glass Treasures

I remember going to the beaches of CT and NY every summer with my family... We always took a cooler full of sandwiches and drinks, beach towels, and sand toys.

We would spend hours in the water with my Dad, catching the waves and screaming with happiness and excitement.

One of my fondest memories was when the whole family would walk up and down the shore... searching for jingle shells, patterned rocks, and the ever coveted beach glass treasures.

We would be lucky to come away with a few pieces each summer. We treasured it, we thought of it as a jewel, something old, but beautiful, wondering where it had been, how it ended up there.

I moved to WA in 2007 and my passion for beach glass has been reignited! In the past few years I have found more beautifully worked beach glass on the shores of WA than has taken my Mom 25 years to find.

Each piece is more gorgeous than the next. I find myself craving it...just thinking about what treasure I might come across, what color I will find that day.

I can spend hours at my favorite spot, sitting in the sand, amongst the rocks, lightly brushing the top layer away to find the exquisite nuggets of glass.

The ride is almost 2 hours, but I would drive it every single day if I could. Some days I find over a pound of glass, sometimes 20 pieces... Either way, it is relaxing, invigorating, and peaceful.

I absolutely LOVE it!

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May 06, 2010
To Samantha
by: Harley

Feel free to e-mail me directly @ if you ever want to meet up and go to the beach together. I have a hard time finding friends of mine that will commit to the long walk from Port Townsend to McCurdy Point... they just don't GET IT... which I guess is good, more sea glass for us!! lol

May 05, 2010
latest finds!
by: Samantha

I wish I would have read this yesterday! I just made the drive to Port Townsend, had a fruitful trip for sure. The rain seemed to be all around us...except right on the beach where we were combing. We have yet to make it the full length of the beach, and that is only because the "normal" stroll down the beach would take someone 30 min but we get about 1/2 way down in 2 hours!
Harley: I am going to check out the spot you are talking about next time I head out for a beach glass expedition. Hopefully within the week!
Here is what I found yesterday, was a great day for blues and greens!

By the way,I'm envious of anyone that lives in Australia... whether there is beach glass or not! :)

Apr 29, 2010
Moving House
by: SuperNan(Donvale,Victoria,Australia)

I want to move there!
I am so envious of you guys. Still yet to only find 1 beach downunder in Melbourne worth the trip. I'm still looking though.
Love to collect as well and I agree the bonus is the relaxation that this hobby affords we lucky people.
It's the simple pleasures of life that are usually the most rewarding.
Thanks for the story, you make my mouth water.

Apr 29, 2010
Sea Glass love
by: Harley

You would love a trip to McCurdy Point near Port Townsend. Its a couple miles of walking, but well worth the exercise. And there's tons of glass all along the way... the problem is getting to the "best" area without picking up so much on the way that you can't bend over anymore.

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