by art
Bottle Bottom sea glass
~ submitted by art, holmdel,nj
Some seaglass leaves us wondering, "What type of bottle or jar did this come from?"
Others tell us in their own words!
by art
Collectible Glassware from the 40s, 50s, 60s 10th Edition ????? Another home run for Gene Florence A "must have" for the serious Anchor-Hocking, Fire-King and EAPC |
| Warman's Carnival Glass: Identification and Price Guide Once considered the stepchild of the collectable glass community, today carnival glass, "poor man's Tiffany," is synonymous with class and exquisite artistry. "An excellent and solid reference" - Midwest Book Review |
Warman's Depression Glass: Identification and Value Guide This comprehensive guide delivers... the most specific identification process of any guide on the market today. 1,000 detailed color photos and line drawings of 170 patterns help with identification and pattern recognition! |
Collectors Encyclopedia Of Milk Glass Identification/Values Bottles & jars, bowls, candlesticks, kitchenware, lamps, plates, shakers, toothpick holders, trays, vases, and more. "I have been buying odd pieces of milk glass and was looking for some kind of reference book so that I would know what I was looking at and looking for. WOW! This book gave me exactly what I was looking for." ~ Rebecca M. Makas |
English Transferware: Popular 20th Century Patterns (for Collectors) |
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