Seaglass Sailboat

by Mona

My seaglass sailboat

My seaglass sailboat

~ craft project submitted by Mona in Maine, USA

The sail on the right side of the boat was found by my grandson Justin.

The sail on the left and a piece that I used for the water was found by this lady named Mary Jo.

She died two days after she gave me the piece of seaglass.

I wanted to create something special from two special people so here it is.

~ craft project submitted by Mona

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Comments for Seaglass Sailboat

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May 19, 2018
by: Anonymous

Love your project! Did you pour resin over it after you glued pieces to glass? Want to make one in memory of my grandmother who always spent time with me searching for treasures on the beach.

Apr 28, 2015
best gift
by: morne

This is one of the best gifts that you can gift to them. Best. Mary and Justin must be so happy about this right. That sail boat is awesome in look. The classy design make it more attractive. You are great Mona.

Oct 16, 2011
hot glue?
by: Anonymous

Has anyone tried gluing to glass or plexi with hot glue? Does it turn yellow or fall off or anything?

Aug 11, 2011
reply to Barb on the sailboat
by: Mona

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. The sailboat was actually done on real glass and not plexiglass. My husband makes the frames for me. The glass does not have to be all the same thickness. Yes the glue will show lightly on the back. I hope this helps.

Jun 20, 2011
Wow! How did you do that?
by: Anonymous

Our whole family loves finding beach glass, and we have quite a bit. My 10 year old daughter is looking for a 4-H fair craft project and wanted to use her beach glass. We saw your sail boat and fell in love with the idea. I noticed you use plexiglass and not glass, which is perfect, as she can't use glass for the fair. Might you share your knowledge with us? Did you build your own frame? Do the glass pieces need to be the same thickness? Does the glue show? Do you glue the glass on both sides?
Sorry, I'm full of questions! It is so beautiful! I'd love to see what she might come up with!

May 06, 2011
Work of Art
by: Mary Jo's Daughter in Law

The sailboat is beautiful and I am sure Grammy(Mary Jo) would of loved it. Thank you for sharing.

Nov 22, 2010
Best Seaglass Handcraft
by: Marylyn

That is such a beautiful piece of craftwork.

Congratulations, you really are very clever.




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