Sea Lions, Santa Cruz Wharf

by John and Kathi
(Santa Cruz, CA)

Sea Lions on Wharf Deck, Santa Cruz, California

Sea Lions on Wharf Deck, Santa Cruz, California

(Just moved from East Coast to Santa Cruz, California)

So far I haven't been walking on any beaches - just fishing a couple of times off the wharf! sea glass. But I'll keep it in mind. Meanwhile, you guys take care - and 'keep on keein' on'!

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Sea Lions in Santa Cruz
by: David

What a nice photo. They look so relaxed soaking up the sun. They really are a lot like dogs...hmmm... but not man's best friend.

I remember the other fishers yelling at them when I used to fish off the wharf there. They would actually bite a fish in half when it was already hooked sometimes.

Oh, well. It looks like they are enjoying life.

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