Sea Glass on the beach in Flores Indonesia

by Patrick
(the Netherlands)

Guesthouse at the beach in Flores Indonesia

Guesthouse at the beach in Flores Indonesia

We've been at many remote beaches on our adventure travel journeys. But only after seeing this website, I realize the existence of sea glass on many beaches. Or....?

Digging deep into my memory, I remember being on the remote island of Flores, Indonesia, where I think we saw some sea glass.

Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world. Although all the islands belong to the same country, each of the islands has its own culture, and nature.

On our 15 month trip we spent more than 3 months in Indonesia, looking at the Orang Utans in Sumatra, seeing the Borobodur temple in Java, being part of the Hindu culture on Bali, and seeing the dragons on Komodo. And then, we reached Flores.

Flores is yet another island with a very specific culture. Right in the heart of the island there are a few villages where the people still practice their animistic beliefs. But there is much more.

We saw the spiderweb ricefields, the houses on stilts on the northern beaches, and the magnificent colored lakes of Kelimutu.

Ah, there are just too many great memories of this fantastic island and country. And deep down, in between the memories, I remember making a stop with our rented car on one of the beaches in the south, on our way to the Kelimutu volcano.

It was there, where we saw sea glass. Our guide and driver pointed it out to us. And he told us there used to be much more of it. But even in this remote area, people removed most of the glass.

It's only after seeing this website that I realize I should have picked up a small piece of sea glass myself, or shouldn't I?

For more of our stories, to many remote beaches, forests, cultures, and other things, visit our website Adventure Travel Tales and Tips.

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