Sea Glass from Mazatlan

by Donna
(Olympia, WA)

  Spring of 2011 just north of Mazatlan

Spring of 2011 just north of Mazatlan

~ photo submitted by Donna in Olympia, WA

This is the result of several days on the beach in Mazatlan, Pacific Coast of Mexico.

Thought your readers would be interested in how I displayed it once we got home.

~ photo submitted by Donna

Some information on sea glass hunting in the Mazatlan area of Mexico:

Mazatlan is a city and beach resort area on the Pacific coast of Mexico almost directly east of the tip of Baja California.

Popular with surfers since the early 1960's, Mazatlan became one of the "new" resort areas of Pacific Mexico.

I took a surf trip with my wife, baby daughter, and buddies to Mazatlan in 1970 and had a great time. Unfortunately, we went in August, a hot, steaming, baking time of the year. Oh well, live and learn!

The coastline is tropical, beautiful, and the people are friendly.

With plenty of wave action, the beaches in the Mazatlan area are certainly capable of turning broken glass into well-tumbled sea glass in a comparatively short time.

Finding sea glass in the area, of course, depends more on finding the right beach to search. That would normally be a rocky beach with some sand in an area that has been populated for several generations.

Since Mazatlan itself is one of the oldest cities on the Pacific Coast of North America, trash has been tossed on the shoreline for hundreds of years. There is definitely a lot of tumbled glass...somewhere.

Some of the problems you encounter in developed areas, though, may affect how much sea glass you find.

One of the problems is that hotels will bring in sand from other areas if their beaches need it; or they may be bringing in other materials to expand, protect, or modify their beaches.

That results in burying or misplacing much of the old glass.

In the older industrial areas, reconstruction causes many of the same problems.

Lin and I look forward to more report from not only Mazatlan, but other cities along the Pacific Coast of Mexico.

    ~ David and Lin at Odyssey Sea Glass

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