Sea Glass - Cape Charles, Virginia

by Andrea

Cape Charles Beach

Cape Charles Beach

Sea Glass - Cape Charles, Virginia

~ Cape Charles sea glass report submitted by Andrea, USA
We went two times and picked up at least 30 pieces each day.

The rocky beaches on the far ends of town where no one was sunbathing yielded the best results.

We will update you after our next hunt.

Cape Charles Public Beach

~ by Melissa (York County, Virginia)

Beach glass washes up on the bay side of the Atlantic Ocean of Virginia's Eastern Shore.

Pottery Shards also common here. Not as tumbled as some beaches, but nice large pieces.

More Virginia Sea Glass beach reports:

Sea Glass Virginia
Eastern Shore, Virginia Sea Glass

Sea Glass Virginia
Virginia Beach, VA

Sea Glass Virginia
Ocean View Beach Park, Norfolk, VA

Sea Glass Virginia
Bottle Stoppers, Virginia Beach

Comments for Sea Glass - Cape Charles, Virginia

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Oct 16, 2017
Cape Charles
by: Linda

Went to Cape Charles two days ago on October 15, 2017.

The low tide revealed quite a bit of sea glass.

We did have to dig in the muck but was well worth it.

Well tumbled for the majority of pieces but also quite a bit of glass shards with no frost and sharp edges

Jul 05, 2017
Sea glass Hot Spot
by: Caribbean Blue

I've been scouting the Hampton Roads area now for two years. I have uncovered a site in Suffolk that yields what so many are eager to find!!! If someone is willing to share with me the "old dump site" location on Eastern ashore then I'd be interested in trading information.
Contact me at: shane_os1 at yahoo dot com

Dec 28, 2015
December 2015
by: Navy Mom from SC

Found a few pieces yesterday. We really had to look hard for it.

Feb 28, 2015
Cape Charles regular sea glass hunters?
by: David

From our own experience at walking beaches, we know that just one day will not reveal if the beach is good or bad.

For example, Lin walked the beach here in Peru the other day and found zip.

On most days, you'll find a handful of jewelry grade.

But if you come once, you may find nothing and report the beach no good.

So we would like to know from someone who has walked the beach at Cape Charles many times recently what exactly is being found :)

Feb 25, 2015
not good anymore
by: Anonymous

Cape Charles was one of the best spots for sea glass but the combination of people picking up pieces that were not weathered and others digging up everything, nothing good left.

Plus, Hurricane Sandy deposited lots of new sand on the beaches so not worth paying the 26 dollar round trip toll, unless you have EZ pass, only 17.

Aug 15, 2014
Cape Charles
by: MistyMist

There in June, don't waste your time.


May 15, 2014
That was then, this is now
by: Lia

Barely any good sea glass left on these beaches.

People have been picking up everything, including pieces that are barely done.

After a storm, you can net barely 2-3 passable pieces at the Cape Charles and Bay Creek beaches.

Time to move to another destination.

Jan 10, 2010
Cape Charles
by: Cindi

I am going to look this week while I am up there...I will fill you in on the RESULTS!! lol

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