Sea Glass - Bottle Bottom

by Ron
(Seaside Park, New Jersey)

Sea Glass Bottle Bottoms - Collection of Photos

Sea Glass Bottle Bottoms - Collection of Photos

The bottle bottom I have is thick and green.

It has the letters kblt and numbers 11425 on the bottom.

Please help identify this bottle bottom for me.

Comments for Sea Glass - Bottle Bottom

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Jul 16, 2017
Bottle bottom
by: Hula Girl

Hi! I found a bottle bottom, white, with the words FINE FAMILY on it. Just curious!

Jul 12, 2015
Please help identify
by: J Huurman

I found a white glass bottom of a jar or bottle
with the the mark: 3531S. Found on Cayucos Beach (CA).
Any ideas?

Jun 25, 2014
Help identify please
by: Anonymous

I have a white bottle bottom that says BDD on it in pretty big letters.

Sep 01, 2011
Mystery Sea Glass Piece
by: dinosaurmom

Hello and thanks to one and all.

Today, my son found a clear piece of seaglass that appears to be from the base of some sort of bottle. Across the bottom, are the following upper case letters: "GISTE". The G could also be a C. The rest of the word is cut off, but it looks as though an E would come before the G.

We are curious for any thoughts. It was found on the shore of a Mass Beach following Hurricane Irene.


Jul 25, 2011
white + decorative
by: Ginger

I found this piece of beach glass, with part of a word.... PSIO ?

any ideas?

Aug 19, 2010
Help fpor Letters on Sea Glass
by: Teri

I just found a piece of sea glas inn st. Croix that is that clear with just a touch of green with the letters 1/2 of am O or U, the RN snf 1/2 of weither an E or B. I'm thinking mab=ybe jOURNEy??


Teri at

Jan 09, 2010
Conical based Bottle
by: Amber

Found off Queensland, Australian coastal Island the bottle is around 25cm long, with conical bottom, the dive shop has one similar, however was found many years ago and no one seems to know anything about it.

Nov 11, 2009
HELP!! Sea glass identification

sea glass with the remaining letters ABFELDER, MAYBE YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS, THANK YOU

Oct 12, 2009
Bottle from England.
by: Sonja

That was so nice of you to help that sea glass hunter. I recognized your store and your name instantly. Good to read. Sonja from Calif.

Sep 30, 2009
Bottle seaglass solved
by: Anonymous

Hi, This is Nick from Seaglass Dreams and I'm here to help! Your bottle bottom's letters "KBLT" stand for....

Kilner Bros. Limited, Thornhill-Lees, West Yorkshire, England.

The numbers 11425 might be a patent or an English registration number dating this seaglass back to the year 1877. If you can send me a picture so I can really narrow this mystery down for you! Glad I could help,,,,,,,Nick

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