Sea Glass - Beach Glass Photo Contest - March 2016

by Robert
(Benicia, CA United States)

Sea Glass - Beach Glass Photo Contest - March 2016

Sea Glass - Beach Glass Photo Contest - March 2016

Where was this photo taken?

Inside my home in Santa Cruz, California in the United States

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

April 4, 2014 at 6:00 PM in the evening

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I wanted to showcase the sea glass my wife just collected during a trip to Rincon, Puerto Rico.

I thought a light box would be a fun way to show the different colors of glass.

I like the way the light comes though the glass and lets you see the individual colors of the glass.

I will definitely do this again with after we collect more glass.

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Nikon D600 with Nikon 60mm Macro Lens

What tips or suggestions do you have for other photographers?

Don't be afraid to try something different and new.

Comments for Sea Glass - Beach Glass Photo Contest - March 2016

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Mar 11, 2016
by: Eileen

I love the combination of colors!!

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