Sea Glass, Barcelona, Spain

"Taller de la sirena"

by Uli Weppert
(Barcelona (Spain))

Barcelona Has 7 Beaches

Barcelona Has 7 Beaches

Hi, my name is Uli.

I´ve now been collecting seaglass for 4 months from the beach in Barcelona (Spain). I fell in love with these wonderful pieces of glass so i began to make jewellery out of them.I have also started making mosaic trays and im just beginning to be succesful in taking in orders from my friends or any other closer connections. I would love to start an own business, as i enjoy playing around with new ideas.

Greetings from Barcelona,
Uli <3
Sorry, i can´t send you a picture in the next window "Upload a picture...please!" But i will send you a foto/-s per e-mail.

Hola Uli! It's nice to hear from a fellow seaglass "aficcionado" in Spain. Send a foto when you can (I am adding una foto de Barcelona).

Also, you might want to look at the new feature at the bottom of our page "About Us" on an easy way to start your own business. And sign up for our informative newsletter!

Que les vaya bién,

David (editor)

Comments for Sea Glass, Barcelona, Spain

"Taller de la sirena"

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Taller de la Sirena is now called Barcelona Seaglass
by: Uli

Hi, it's Uli Weppert, i would like to inform you that now exist my own business. I still in love with the treasures of the sea and i founded my internet shop.

Please feel free and have a look at my side.
Greatings from Barcelona,

Hello Uli, feel free to submit your business to our sea glass directory - top left side of page!

David and Lin

class project
by: student

hi, I'm doing a spanish class project on spanish sea glass and i was wonder if you could share some information with me or some interesting facts. Please I need alot of information. I have to do a five minute speech along with a poster and I'd love to have a good grade on it.

Sea-Glass in Barcelona, Spain
by: Anonymous

Well, the best beach in Barcelona to find sea glass is the beach right in front of the Barcelona "World Trade Center"
(Arts Hotel and Office Building)
have fun !

Here's a good beach for sea glass in Spain
by: David (editor)

Nova Icaria Beach, Barcelona

Sea Glass in Barcelona?
by: Anonymous

I will be visiting Barcelona for a few days in February. I would dearly love to find some sea glass while there.

Can you advise me where the best beach is for finding it in Barcelona?

Many thanks.

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