Sandy Point State Park Beach Glass

by Charlie
(Annapolis, MD)

Sandy Point State Park Beach Glass

Sandy Point State Park Beach Glass

Sandy Point State Park

Annapolis, MD

This beach is very large, and at low tide there are several rows of pebbles running along almost the entire sandy area with glass scattered throughout. Spent about an hour there today and picked up over 170 pieces. I've had similar luck the past few visits.

You do have to sort through some less frosted glass - only about half of what's there is worth taking home. The wave action in the bay isn't intense enough to produce fully rounded glass, but there's plenty of craft grade. Most of it is clear or brown, a bit of green, and I've occasionally found some very pale purple or bluish pieces. I've found a lot of glass with text, grooves, and other interesting features here as well.

I've only gone during the off season in fall/winter when it's only $3 per car. During peak season it's $4-5 a person and a lot more crowded, so might be less worthwhile.

Overall, probably not a good beach if you want really rare/valuable pieces or if it's out of your way, but if you're like me and you're mostly in it for the fun of searching, it can be a good place to spend an hour or two. The view of the bridge and the shoal light is a nice bonus.

Make sure you confirm the hours on the official park site before you go (they close early during the winter months). Best area for glass seems to be the south-facing beach between the point and the bridge.

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