Sand Through the Hourglass - August 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Danielle Savin

Sand Through the Hourglass

Sand Through the Hourglass

> Sand Through the Hourglass

Belmar Beach, NJ United States

Weather and time of day?

August 7,2017 it had rained the day before all day but this particular day was partly sunny and 79 degrees.

The ocean seemed calm.

We found these pieces between the hours of 2 and 4pm

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I was thrilled! I had heard of sea glass but never had seen any before! I was excited to find several pieces and my girls were too! I am sure other beachgoers were thinking I lost something after finding the first piece all I could do was stare at the ground searching for more

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

I phone 7

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

I have no tips I just took a pic with my phone and could not steady it too well because of my excitement

~ sea glass photo by Danielle Savin

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Comments for Sand Through the Hourglass - August 2017 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Aug 18, 2017
Good find!
by: Anne Marie Bruecks

Sea glass is Awesome!

Aug 16, 2017
Words of encouragement!!
by: J. Savin

Good Luck Danielle.

Aug 16, 2017
by: Marilyn

I love sea glass. It never found any around here, only up North.

Aug 15, 2017
by: Kelsey Beers

Gorgeous photo! You do amazing things with your iPhone!!

Aug 15, 2017
love it!
by: devon

so pretty, danielle!

Aug 15, 2017
Sand Through the Hour Glasd
by: Jill Prunkel

Great Picture!!

Aug 15, 2017
Nice Find!
by: Anonymous

Lovely colors. Congrats on your first finds!

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