Salinas, Ecuador, South America - Sea Glass

by Acuda Mae
(Salinas, Ecuador, South America)

Salinas, Ecuador

Salinas, Ecuador

January 30, 2017 - Salinas, Ecuador, South America

~ from Acuda Mae

Hi Everyone, I was just in Salinas, Ecuador and found quite a bit of sea glass on the beach there. Mostly greens, but there were some browns, whites, and cobalt pieces.

I noticed that Ecuador wasn't on the list for South America, so I thought I would share.

Happy hunting!

Reply from Sea Glass Odyssey· 1 · Jan 30, 2017

Hi Acuda.

Thank you for letting us know about Salinas! We lived near there for 5 years (Montanita and Playas) but that was before we were really into sea glass.

We would love photos if you have any.

Reply from Acuda Mae · Feb 2, 2017

That's awesome! Salinas seemed like a really nice place. I didn't think to take any pictures while on the beach.

The highest concentration was from the dock heading towards San Lorenzo beach, in the area where there was more crushed shell than sand.

I noticed the glass after some rainy weather and very high tides (the waves went up over the side walk, flooding and displacing sand onto the streets), so I'm not sure if the glass was just a fluke or pretty frequent.

Here (above) are some pictures of the glass I collected and the general area where there was a high concentration.

In a pretty short amount of time (2 hours over 2 days) I collected about 120 pieces, mostly small.

pretty short amount of time (2 hours over 2 days) I collected about 120 pieces, mostly small.

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