Redcliffe, Queensland Sea Glass

by Haylee
(Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia)

Redcliffe, Queensland Sea Glass

Redcliffe, Queensland Sea Glass

My husband and I went looking for sea glass at Queen's Beach - Redcliffe yesterday and very pleased with the amount we found! ]

We found mainly brown, but also clear, different shades of green and a few yellow/light orange pieces.

It is best to go at low tide.

Happy hunting!

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Jul 07, 2024
by: Kelsey

We hope you have a great time. Let us know what you find.

David, Lin, and Kelsey

Jul 05, 2024
Good ol Redcliffe
by: Glass face

Nice! I am going here soon to scourer. I'm new to sea glass hunting!

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Blue & Yellow Makes Green - February 2014 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Renaye Hodges
(Redcliffe, Qld, Australia)

Blue & Yellow Makes Green... with Envy - Sea Glass Marbles

Blue & Yellow Makes Green... with Envy - Sea Glass Marbles

~ photo submitted by Renaye Hodges Redcliffe, Qld, Australia

Where was this photo taken?

HMQS Gayundah shipwreck, Redcliffe, QLD, Australia

Date, time of day, and weather conditions?

Late afternoon, January 21st, perfect summers day

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I was squatting in water around broken pieces of wreck, trying to hold my balance without getting wet or dropping my phone.

I am in love with this wreck and the marbles and thought they would pair well with each other.

There was only minimal unshaded spots late in the afternoon and I really wanted the sun to bring out the wonderful colours in these gorgeous pieces...

I found wetting them worked best :)

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

iPhone 4 ... if only I had a digital camera

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Natural habitat is always awesome to photograph your pieces at .. finding a fitting backdrop with some interest brings it more to life I think.

~ submitted by Renaye Hodges Redcliffe, Qld, Australia

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