Purple sea glass in cubes

by Chuck
(Malvern, Pa)

Purple sea glass in cubes?

Purple sea glass in cubes?

~ sea glass ID question submitted by Chuck in Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA

We found these light purple almost perfect sea glass cubes in the Caribbean.

We were wondering if anyone knew what they were?

The Caribbean

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The Caribbean is one of the most popular vacation areas for folks from the USA looking for the perfect beach, tropical breezes, and a nice tan.

Additional information:

Located below the Gulf of Mexico with Florida to the north, Central America to the west, and the north coast of South America to the south, the Caribbean has played a crucial role in the history of the Americas.

Consisting of over 7,000 islands, the Caribbean was named after an indigenous group that populated some of the islands originally, the Caribs.

Columbus "discovered" America by landing on one of the Caribbean islands. Later, the Spanish crossed this huge area with their gold shipments coming from Peru. Merchants traded for the large sugar industry, supplying British and European markets.

The Caribbean was a great place for pirates. With so many islands covering an area almost impossible to control, the pirate ships could pillage towns and ships and hide in one of many hidden coves and inlets.

Ships carrying wine and other bottled products from France and Europe were wrecked in the fierce hurricanes that sweep the Caribbean. Rum produced in quantity was also shipped in bottles.

With such a rich history of marauding and ship traffic, it is not surprising that even on isolated spots in remote islands it is possible to find glass...sea glass...richly tumbled and colored.

Added by David Schneider (chief assistant kitchen helper), OdysseySeaGlass.com

Comments for Purple sea glass in cubes

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Jun 14, 2014
We found these too, but on kauai
by: Anonymous

We found a bunch of these on a beach on the south side of Kauai just this past week.

We have collections of sea glass from Maui, Big Island and Oahu, and have never found this glass before.

This was our first trip to Kauai, and this particular glass made up the majority of our finds. I too want to know what it is.

They are all generally horizontal cube shapes, very thick, and purple in color.


Jan 18, 2012
Santa Ana
by: Jerry

Have you figured this out yet? Could they actually be some kind of mineral crystals? Or was there a manufacturing plant of some kind in the area?

Please post here if you find out anything.

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