Possibly Black Sea Glass from between Manly and Shelly Beaches, Sydney, Australia?

by Pat
(Urbana, Ohio, USA)

~ sea glass photos submitted by Pat, Urbana, Ohio, USA

Between Manly and Shelly Beaches in Sydney, Australia

Posted March 16, 2017

I found these pieces from a rocky area between Manly and Shelly Beaches in Sydney, Australia. 

The largest piece is very thick and has letters that look like "ENLIVE."

From what I researched, black sea glass can have a faint olive green or brown when held to the light. 

I held up the largest one, and you can barely see olive green along the extreme edges, while the majority is black. 

What do you think?

~ sea glass photos submitted by Pat, Urbana, Ohio, USA 

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Apr 08, 2017
Black Sea Glass
by: Anonymous

This definitely looks like black sea glass, I have found many pieces of black sea glass in Anguilla, British West Indies....they are old broken bottles from wine and rum, usually shipwrecked on the reefs in the early 1900's...if you use a bright light, you will see a greenish color in the glass....great find.

New Hampshire


See https://www.odysseyseaglass.com/black-sea-glass.html

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