Pink Beach, Bermuda - Sea Glass

by Rita
(New Jersey)

Horseshoe Beach, Bermuda

Horseshoe Beach, Bermuda

~ report on Bermuda sea glass submitted by Rita from New Jersey, USA

The private beach at the Pink Beach Hotel is a sea glass lovers' paradise.

You have to actually get into the water up to your knees and walk back and forth in the cove.

Then water is rough and you have to move fast.

BUT...if you can handle it, you will definitely leave with pounds of sea glass - greens, all shades of blue, pinks, and of course the usual browns and whites.

I personally found several of my very best pieces here, including several pieces of black and purple, and a bottom of a bottle, light blue in color, and one inch in thickness, and 5 inches in diameter.

Hotel costs over $1000.00 in season for a room per night... save up and get there if this is your hobby!

~ report on Bermuda sea glass submitted by Rita from New Jersey, USA

Comments for Pink Beach, Bermuda - Sea Glass

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Jul 10, 2016
Think twice
by: AnLynnonymous

Hi There... Saw the pic. of Alex. Battery beach, & read the comment of the guy who sent a report.

I have been at least 2x's a year , going for a week.

Have done this for the last 6 yrs. also know some of the Bermudians who live nearby.

I have never seen the beach covered w/ sea glass as his photo shows.. Nor has the cave ever has 3 or 4 inches deep of glass.

That guy said he took 90 lbs. of glass away. I found that absolutely horrible. What kind of person is that greedy?if your goal is to make jewelry, why not take just jewelry quality pieces
And leave glass for others to enjoy.

I've spoken to my local friends who feel this person is really telling a tall tail! They said they intend to watch the beach and report people who haul tons away.

I also know that certain cruises do not permit any sea glass to be taken.

There is a sign up at Sea Glass Beach saying no trespassing. That property has been sold .

Nov 28, 2015
Southampton, Bermuda Sea Glass
by: Debbie

There is a small beach in Southampton.

Can't remember the name but if you walk behind these blue apts you'll find stairs going down the beach.

There are thousands of sea glass.

Good Luck!

~ Debbie

PS Just ask a taxis driver to take you there.

Aug 26, 2015
Sea Glass beaches
by: Jolie

My husband and I love Bermuda and have spent a lot of time there...mostly in South Hampton, not far from Horseshoe Bay.

There are several beaches there, that the locals refer to as "Sea Glass Beach." Three in particular are covered in sea glass, especially after a good storm around 6 am on a week day...our favorite spot is within walking distance from St. Catherine's.

There is a hard to get to, deep undercut that is protected by large sharp rocks and at low tide you can crawl in under the exposed cliff and find a massive treasure trove of sea glass...You'll know it, when you find it.

Aug 03, 2010
by: Geo W Bang

Glad you liked the picture, and thanks for the photo credit.

Jul 20, 2010
by: Anonymous

For a grand a night, one would think the staff would pick up the sea glass for you...

Jul 19, 2010
So when I get the call from Oprah...
by: Lizzy (Santa Barbara)

Looks wonderful but $1000...a day...yowza.

But it is on my list of "to do's" after I get the call from Oprah.

You must be blessed! This looks and sounds like heaven!


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