Piece of History - Feb 2011

by Kristin Gebhardt
(Smryna, Delaware)

Piece of History - Digital Photo Contest

Piece of History - Digital Photo Contest

~ beach pottery report submitted by Kristin Gebhardt in Smryna, Delaware

I found this ceramic shard among some rocks by the pier at Woodland Beach, Delaware. 

At first I did not think it would be as wonderful of a find, until I turned it over! 

To my delight, I saw an almost complete mark! 

It was a perfect find considering it was frigid cold, windy, and cloudy out that particular afternoon. 

Since my fingers were almost numb, I took it home and photographed it with my IPhone camera. 

This is truly one of my most treasured pieces. 

I have been a sea glass collector since I was very young, scanning the beaches of Cook Inlet Alaska where I grew up, that have some of the largest tides in the world. 

I moved to Delaware last year with my fiancee, who is in the military. 

I sent him an email photo right away, as he is overseas and this is something we like to do together, when he is home. 

When we are apart, and he can somehow manage to get to a beach, we look for sea glass glass and share our experiences, it brings us close even if we are far apart!

I researched the mark on the back and found it belongs to a company called  Taylor, Smith, & Taylor Co. operating from E. Liverpool, OH from 1901-1915 - which is fascinating considering my fiancee is from Ohio!

~ beach pottery report submitted by Kristin Gebhardt in Smryna, Delaware

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sea glass colors line

More Sea Glass from Woodland Beach, Delaware: 

Sea Glass Delaware Beaches
Woodland Beach, Smyrna

Sea Glass Delaware Beaches
Woodland Beach, Delaware

Sea Glass Delaware Beaches
Pier at Woodland Beach, Delaware

Sea Glass Delaware Beaches
Woodland Beach, DE Beach Glass Finds

Comments for Piece of History - Feb 2011

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Feb 20, 2011
Beautifully presented
by: Anonymous

Impressive piece! Would be interesting to learn more about the history.

Feb 19, 2011
Great Piece
by: Anonymous

Beautiful background. What an amazing find!

Feb 15, 2011
by: AG

This is an absolutely amazing piece!! Look forward to more photos from you.

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