Perfect Day of Pinks and Blues - July 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by sybille kroemer
(santa barbara ca)

Perfect Day of Pinks and Blues

Perfect Day of Pinks and Blues

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by sybille kroemer, santa barbara ca

Where was this photo taken?

Elwood Bluffs Beach - Goleta, California, USA

Weather and time of day?

Aprox 9am in the morning , the weather was glorious and conditions superb.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

I love the calming colors of the pastel pink and light shades of blue sea glass along with the textures of the glass which I find interesting and beautiful.

If a mermaid was to build a underwater nursery for a merbaby , this sea glass would definitely be a part of the decor

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

Samsung 5 cell phone

What tips do you have for taking good photos of sea glass?

Background color and lighting and whether to wet the sea glass or leave it dry are helpful.

Some beach glass pieces, especially the ones that have a textured pattern, look better dry.

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by sybille kroemer, santa barbara ca

Comments for Perfect Day of Pinks and Blues - July 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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Jul 19, 2016
Beautiful colors
by: Joni nilsby

Beautiful colors! Great photo.

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