Nokomis Beach/Casey Key, FL

by April
(Suffolk, VA)

Glass gathered on Nokomis Beach/Casey Key

Glass gathered on Nokomis Beach/Casey Key

~ Florida sea glass report submitted by April in Suffolk, VA

Nokomis Beach, Florida

This beach is near Venice, FL, and the sea glass is pretty good for FL--more brown than anything, but we have found beautiful green, clear, and aqua.

My son found a gorgeous piece of dark green--almost black--sea glass that I used in a necklace.

The best place to find sea glass

The best place to find sea glass is toward the northern end of Casey Key, which is mostly residential with NO parking and no public beach access. I get my hubby to drop me off at a narrow spot where there are no houses.

Look for sea glass on the top of older, dry shell piles higher up on the beach away from the water. This beach is quiet and empty for FL, especially in the summer on the residential end.

The few beach walkers and joggers usually have no interest in picking up shells or glass.

BTW, Casey Key has the best seashells of any beach I have visited in FL...but if you go there in June/early July, you'll be competing with me for sea glass and shells! :)

~ Florida sea glass report submitted by April in Suffolk, VA

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