Newbies enjoy a West Seattle sea glass hunt...

by Reeve B.
(Seattle, WA USA)

We only recently got into hunting for these gems - I know you can easily go onto ETSY and buy sea glass but like many here it adds a sort of easter egg hunt activity to a beach walk. After doing some research it seemed like we'd have to drive a few hours from Seattle to get to any good beaches. But we tried Alki Beach in West Seattle anyway, it may be partially because the bridge to get there is closed...but there was very few people and we collected a nice little assortment in just an hour. No real big pieces or special pieces I suppose but better than getting skunked! Most of the pieces were just sitting on top of the sand near the high tide mark.

Comments for Newbies enjoy a West Seattle sea glass hunt...

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Jun 17, 2021
Spots no-one picks for glass like yours.
by: Glenn

I'm retired military and around the country, there are islands owned by the military usually next to or near a coastal base. I have a Navy base near and one of these deserted islands at the mouth of a tidal fast river had big beautiful pieces of OLD seaglass all over the ocean side but they had several signs that said authorized people only and folks left it alone. We launch our kayaks from the base and kayak over 500 feet to one of their deserted islands and have picked over 5lbs of glass several times. I retired from another base that had an island like it in Virginia and I never thought to kayak over and check the glass.

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