New to the Sea Glass Hobby and Hooked

by Teresa

Hi guys. I'm new to the Sea Glass hobby- just a few months now and I am HOOKED!

Your site is WONDERFUL!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful wares as well as your knowledge. It has been such a great resource for me as a newby.

Soon I plan on purchasing my kaleidoscope from you... made with my very own sea glass.

On Mothers day I found my first piece of red/orange glass, it was such a treat.

I look forward to sharing pictures soon (my camera's in the shop)

Thanks so much guys!


Thank you, Teresa!

Wow, a piece of RED/ORANGE?!! You have made a real find. That color is very rare! Congratulations!

We are looking forward to your pics.

David (editor)

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Hooked on Sea Glass
by: Sharon

Hey, did you ever take a photo of that orange sea glass? Or have you found any more that you can share?

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