My son's red sea glass marble

by Tiffany
(Vacaville, Ca)

I was at a northern California beach with my family collecting sea glass on an all day trip.

We were getting ready to turn back around and head back to the car to go home after a quite successful trip when my son ran ahead as he often does and started searching the sand.

Before I could tell him to watch the water, he stood straight up and ran right over holding his prize high for us all to see.

I figured it would be the normal large piece of green or clear glass, but to my surprise it was a nicely shaped old opaque red glass marble.

To this day he is so proud he found it and displays it in his glass treasure cabinet.

My husband is still trying to "buy" it off of him, but no dice!

It's his to share with the family... from the safety of his glass cabinet!

Comments for My son's red sea glass marble

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Nov 11, 2010
picture please
by: Donna

I have some beautiful marbles I have found. Have never found a red one and would love to see a picture of it.

Thank you for a wonderful story

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