Milk of Magnesia - Sea Glass?

by Ole

Milk of Magnesia Bottle and Sea Glass

Milk of Magnesia Bottle and Sea Glass

~ sea glass question submitted by Ole in Seattle, Washington

We went out beach combing again a couple of days ago.

I found a piece of light blue glass with some lettering on it.

The piece is about 2 inches by 2 inches and the writing is fairly clear.

After looking through some books we found an old bottle that seemed to match almost perfectly.

The picture is dated 1910 but the bottle looks like it says 1866.

Tell me what you think??


~ sea glass question submitted by Ole in Seattle, Washington

sea glass colors line

David's comment:

Hi Ole,

It sure looks like a near match from what I can see. However, I think some of our viewers have a lot more experience than me on bottles and age of glass.

I am going to move this to <a href="">Questions</a> and see if we can get some pros to comment on this.



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sea glass colors line

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Comments for Milk of Magnesia - Sea Glass?

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Feb 14, 2010
Milk magnesia sea glass
by: Anonymous

I think its hard to tell from the pic, but did you find anything out about it?

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