Maroubra and Malabar Beaches near Sydney

by Jonathan

Glass from Maroubra and Malabar

Glass from Maroubra and Malabar

Maroubra and Malabar

Sydney, NSW, Australia

In the course of about 3 hours of strolling and beach combing, my wife and I found over 100 pieces of glass.

We left a lot of nice brown and amber pieces as we are focused on the greens and lighter colours for my wife's jewellery.

We did pick up a few triangular brown pieces that she wants for particular designs. We found a good handful of "jewel" quality pieces and the rest of what we picked up was "craft" quality.

There was quite a bit of relatively new pieces that we left for more sea tumbling.

We found two pieces with lettering on them: one with "YRNE" (probably BYRNE); and the other with "...SCH'S" (Probably from Resch's brewery, an early company in Sydney).

While both Maroubra and Malabar are sandy beaches, the glass as might be predicted, is not found in the sandy areas, but on the rocky areas. At the south end of Maroubra, there are rocks and rocky ledges, interspersed with pockets of gravel, shells, and glass. To the southeast of Malabar Beach there are rocky ledges with the same pockets of gravel, shell and glass. Both beaches have easy access and direct parking.

Comments for Maroubra and Malabar Beaches near Sydney

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Mar 08, 2019
Nice finds
by: David

Thank you for the very complete report with photos. This will be helpful for a lot of us.

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