Mackinaw Island Decanter Stopper - October 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest
by StoneMe
(West Michigan)
Mackinaw Island Decanter Stopper
~ By: StoneMe - West Michigan
Where was this photo taken?
Photo was taken on historical Mackinac Island, Michigan this past summer.
Date, time of day, and weather conditions? It was early afternoon in July. Weather was gorgeous.
We were biking the island (like all good tourists:), and stopped at one of the many rocky beaches. I found this as I was walking back to my bicycle.
What were your feelngs or impressions when taking this photo? 
Amazed. It's so intact, and with the history of the island, it was easy to imagine the piece being extremely old - possibly from a ship offshore.
It's pink and beautifully delicate with a skeleton key on opposite sides of the top, and and "H" on the other two sides.
I wrote to Richard LaMotte (author of
Pure Sea Glass
) regarding this piece and he was kind enough to write back:
"First let me congratulate you on a very rare find since I've not seen this before. I wish I could provide a definite answer but the closest reference I could find was a similar logo for Key Glassworks of England.
"The problem is the "H" logo which appears rather sharp and clean. Due to the color of the glass it looks like a pre-1915 decanter stopper.The cleanly molded H implies an early 1900s age. My guess would be a liquor decanter made around 1900-1910."
What kind of camera and/or lens did you use? ~ By: StoneMe - West Michigan
Map of Mackinac Island:
View Larger Map Mackinac Island - Read what other travelers have to say at TripAdvisor