Lovely Blue! Colors of Sea Glass

by Jeanne

Blues are my favorite sea glass colors!

Blues are my favorite sea glass colors!

We find this all along the shores of Michigan.

A 1000-Mile Walk on the Beach - One Woman's Trek of the Perimeter of Lake Michigan

Comments for Lovely Blue! Colors of Sea Glass

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Apr 28, 2015
Blue sea glass
by: Celna

It is really fantastic to see the beautiful sea glass. I have seen many types of sea glass, but I think these ones are really different comparing with that. Thank you for sharing this post here! Keep sharing such posts! Blue sea glass from Odyssey

Nov 03, 2009
South Haven
by: Jeanne

Jorie, You should try South Haven and south of there. I have had good luck in that area

Nov 03, 2009
by: Anonymous

I live on the east side of the state, but we find sea glass on all the shores of the Great Lakes.

Nov 02, 2009
looking for sea glass

Hi Jeanne,
I am in Muskegon, and have not had much luck.
what part of the state are you in?

Aug 14, 2009
How nice !
by: Anonymous

You are so lucky to find many pieces of blue !
I have a few blues but all of them are as small as a head of a cotton swab !! You did a good job finding those pieces.

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