Locarno Beach - Vancouver

by Jollean
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)

Locarno Beach (Spanish Banks)

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Having found a handful of glass at Spanish Banks over the summer, I thought I'd try again this early fall day and actually went to Locarno Beach which is really the first beach of the Spanish Banks (it's a huge stretch of beach with multiple parking lots).

I went at low tide and was amazed how much I found. We don't have big ocean waves in Vancouver because the island slows them down so you can't expect super round and super tumbled in most of your finds. They're mostly quite jagged but they're still pretty and fun to explore for. Shades of brown are the most common but I found lots of green and white too. And my own personal grail of blue! I also found a strange piece of black glass tile and a piece of pink ceramic pottery which isn't the first time I've found pottery on a Vancouver beach. My friend found a piece of driftwood in the summer with the word "love" written on it plus weird pieces of brick.

This photo montage is the result of 2 hours of searching and around 200 pieces. I stopped picking up really small pieces after the first hour because you need to be bent over looking closer to get this amount. It was mostly cloudy. A no-sun day where it's just rained will be best because sun washes out your view and wet glass is easier to see.

My goal is to fill a whole vase. Good start!

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