Linear Seaglass Treasure

by Marylyn
(Pakenham, Victoria, Australia)

You Little Beauty!

You Little Beauty!

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Marylyn, Pakenham, Victoria, Australia

Disappointed that the council has dumped rock and stones on this section of the beach. Understand that it is to prevent excessive erosion, however, this spot was excellent as a catchment area for seaglass and pottery shards.

Now the pieces have to find their way through all this rock debris.

Managed to find this excellent piece though, lucky me! Unusual even, horizontal grooves. Not sure what it is from though. Any suggestions?

Photo taken mid afternoon on a calm day with the tide quite low.

Quite grateful that I was able to collect a few more pieces along with some pottery shards, however, no way near the amount that I usually collect.

Will need to wait for a storm to hit hard and then drop on down to see what the sea spews forth. Hopefully some more treasures to add to my collection.

Try to have some sort of natural background when you take your photo. Preferably take it down where you are collecting, rather than bringing it home and then taking the photo.

This gives the piece more character.



~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Marylyn, Pakenham, Victoria, Australia

Comments for Linear Seaglass Treasure

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Jun 17, 2017

by: David

Nice find, Marylyn, we look forward to seeing you next time we are in Melbourne :) especially with the good information on your site

Jun 17, 2017

by: David

Nice find, Marylyn, we look forward to seeing you next time we are in Melbourne :) especially with the good information on your site

May 10, 2017
Down Under finds
by: David

Hi Marylyn, it's good to know that you're getting your exercise and breathing that healthy salt air, getting away from the computer.

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