Life can be Beautiful - March 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Rowena
(Fremantle Western Australia )

Life can be Beautiful

Life can be Beautiful

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Rowena, Fremantle Western Australia

Where was this photo taken?

Taken in my backyard in Fremantle Western Australia

Weather and time of day?

Late afternoon in March. 38C (100F) degrees, very still and hot, and the light is beautiful.

What were your feelings or impressions when taking this photo?

Hi - for the last two years I've been collecting shells from a little beach 5 mins down the road and only recently started collecting all this amazing beach glass from the same beach.

A couple weeks ago I Googled beach glass on a whim....


I never realised there's a whole lot of other people out there that think it's amazing too.

So for the first time I have laid out my mistreated collection and as I was taking the photo I thought it really is very pretty and I should take more care  

Hope you like it too!

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

~ sea glass contest photo was submitted by Rowena, Fremantle Western Australia

Comments for Life can be Beautiful - March 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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May 03, 2016
by: Kathleen

I was just in Freemantle ( I'm from Canada ), I wish I had known about your little beach so I could go "hunting".

What a gorgeous collection and the pieces are so big with so many fabulous jealous!

Apr 30, 2016
by: Santa Cruz, Cali

Your photo is so beautiful. Your words, "mistreated connection" resonates with me. Lol.

What I wanted to say was... I see no whites! Something that is so very common over here on the central California coast. And something my son refers to as "leverites". (That's the rockhound in me coming through him about glass...)

Ahhhh, that's nothin' but an ole piece of leverite. Just leave 'er right there.

Mar 26, 2016
My vote.
by: Chris

Bet it looks amazing in different lights... Good luck with the Comp!

Mar 26, 2016
Absolutely beautiful
by: Bronwyn

This looks amazing ! Such beautiful colours in a gorgeous setting.

Mar 23, 2016
Wonderful colours of Beach Glass
by: Marylyn

How amazing and to think all those colours just over the other side of Australia to me.
5 minutes down the road? I'd be there every day!
Marylyn (Victoria)

Mar 23, 2016
Life can be Beautiful
by: Michelle

Your Picture is amazing & shows the spirit of Fremantle with these many colours found on her beach.

If any of your sea glass is for sale I would love to purchase some.

Good Luck in the comp Rowena :-) michelle (at)

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