Letters on Sea Glass

by Teri Rogers
(Atlanta, GA (in St. Croix))

Sea Glass Letters Question with photo

Sea Glass Letters Question with photo

Identifying Sea Glass with Letters, Numbers, Symbols, Etcetera

Here are some of the questions that Lin and I have received regarding sea glass that has letters, numbers, symbols, etc.

Scroll down to the end to read all of the submissions. If you can help identify these pieces, please add a comment.

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~ submitted by Teri Rogers in Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Hi.  Just found this today on St. Croix.  The letters look like 1/2 of an O or U, RN and 1/2 of an E or B.  Maybe Journey. Any ideas?????



~ submitted by Teri Rogers

Suggestion from OdysseySeaGlass:

Hi Teri,

I notice no one has ventured a guess at identifying this piece of sea glass. I would think that the letters and the place you found this would indicate possibly a French word or name.

If so, it would likely be a wine or brandy bottle. On the other hand, the Caribbean was full of rum producers (still is as a matter of fact) and it would be possible that it is a rum bottle, although the color would indicate wine rather than something else (green color helped reduce harmful light rays that affect wine).

It is very hard to find a book that identifies wine bottles if that is what it is. But to try to run it down, you might try a book that is great for identification because of all the photos it has. The book is Warman's Bottles Field Guide.

The advantages of this book are that it has hundreds of big, beautiful color photos, and the listings include ALL the markings and trademarks on each bottle. It is also not going to ruin your bank account and is small enough to carry around with you.

Some of the bottle collecting and identification books are huge, heavy, and expensive with information not necessary to the sea glass collector.

David and Lin at OdysseySeaGlass

sea glass colors line

Comments for Letters on Sea Glass

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Mar 27, 2025
Yellow seaglass with &CO
by: Anonymous

Found in Chesapeake Bay

Mar 20, 2025
AKA seaglass
by: Anonymous

Hi, found a piece of clear sea glass with the letters A K A . Tried to lookup with no luck.
Any ideas of the bottle it’s from?
Thank you

Jul 19, 2019
Large green bottle/jar bottom
by: Anonymous

Found on beach in Oak Bay, Quebec.

Thick, green. Two letters in the center: V E

Small letters on towards the edge: PG

One small letter on the opposite edge: H

Apr 23, 2019
Sea glass found on Myrtle Beach
by: Anonymous

What kind of bottle was this?

Apr 22, 2019
SEW letters on Manganese glass
by: Kelly

I just found a piece of glass with manganese (identifiable with the violet hue) and there are large embossed letters that spell out SEW in a half moon shape...looks like the word continues. Any idea what company or word this is?

Jul 06, 2018
Please help id
by: Lynn

Letters CHAMPLIN CO - any ideas?

Apr 02, 2018
Want to find out what this is
by: Anonymous

I found a fairly large whitish-clear piece of sea glass today. It said on one side, 0-300. It looks very worn and is very smoothe, with lots of frost. It looks like it had been in the ocean for a long time. I would like to find out what this is. Any idea?

May 05, 2015
david is right
by: stuart

I think David is right about the glass. It may be some whine or whiskey bottles. I am sure that those are not English names. May be some French or Spanish. Let this be another good contribution to our site. Thank you so much Teri for sharing about it.

Mar 12, 2015
found in Norfolk Va on Chesapeake Bay
by: Monnica

very pale green with letters W F &

Oct 01, 2014
Don't know what, if anything it may be worth?
by: Anonymous

We were walking the beach today and came across a piece of sea glass that seems to be fairly old.

It was the bottom of a liquor bottle as the side with writing on it is still readable.

It says "SC 295 (Next Line) LIQUOR (next line) BOTTLE 108 (Next line) SCOTLAND then there is a six sided something on the bottom with the letter UG inscribed.

I looked it up on the net and found it was from a rare whiskey. Wondering if it's worth anything? T

he other side is really worn as if it had been in the ocean a long time. If anyone knows anything please email me at gee mail johnamos43

Apr 17, 2011
letters mf something?
by: don

found a white pc. sea glass the letters are
oven mf something. Any ideas?

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