Largest Olive Green Sea Glass

by Cher Sherwood
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Largest Olive Green I've ever seen!

Largest Olive Green I've ever seen!

~ sea glass photos submitted by Cher Sherwood, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Victoria BC, Canada

March 10, 2017

Found on a beach in Victoria BC, Canada, on a drizzly, wet day

I wasn't able to really capture how big it feels in your hand.

It is thick and just a beautiful color and absolutely the largest piece of glass I've ever found in my 20+ years of beachcombing!

What kind of camera and/or lens did you use?

~ sea glass photos submitted by Cher Sherwood, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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Comments for Largest Olive Green Sea Glass

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Jan 29, 2018
by: David

Wow, that is huge! I love olive colors and these look really old!

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