Kitty Etched In Glass - April May 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

by Dianne
(Souris, Prince Edward Island, Canada)

Sitting Cat - in Sea Glass

Sitting Cat - in Sea Glass

I'm not sure what beach I found this lovely piece on.

During the summer months I would collect sea glass and during the cold, snowy winter months I would clean the pieces and check them over carefully.

It was during the winter that I noticed the sitting cat on this, the bottom of a bottle.

I googled it and found out that it is the bottom of a beer bottled from a company in Ireland, E and J Burke bottled beer in these bottles and imported them to New York City. This dates back to late 1800 to early 1900.

I have imagined a sailor tossing the empty bottle into the sea off a schooner as the neared Colville Bay here in Souris, Prince Edward Island.

It is one of my very special pieces.

Comments for Kitty Etched In Glass - April May 2016 Sea Glass Photo Contest

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May 08, 2016
by: Adele Price

That is a special piece - great history attached to it too - love it!

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