June 29, 2017 Long Island Sound Sea Glass Marbles

by Matthew Umbro
(New York, USA)

Long Island Sound Marbles

Marble hunting!

July 2017 - Long Island Sound, New York, USA

Hi David and Lin,

Here's the pic I was trying to upload.

Had an hour before a firework show to check my favorite sea glass beach.

Not bad!

Thanks for your help. Take care.


Matthew Umbro


Wow, I
guess you were pretty excited Matthew LOL.

Very few people find more than one marble at a time, if any.

Thanks for the great photo.

~ David and Lin here at Odyssey Sea Glass.

Comments for June 29, 2017 Long Island Sound Sea Glass Marbles

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Oct 10, 2017
Fellow long islander
by: Anonymous

I live right by the L.I. Sound (port Jefferson) and have always enjoyed searching for seaglass on the sound, if you don't mind sharing, could you tell me what beach this was at? I've always wanted to find a marble but haven't had any luck yet:(

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