Identify my sea glass - Near Ft. Story

by Karen C.

Big Brown...Help with Identification?

Big Brown...Help with Identification?

Chesapeake Bay,VA Near Ft. Story

We found this Sea Glass "Big Brown" on December 28th on the Chesapeake Bay in VA near Fort Story...

Could anyone help with identification of this piece?

It looks like it has a crest or an anchor on the center of it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, and happy beachcombing to all!

Sorry it loads will not load upright for others to view.

We found this really nice piece of brown at night with flashlights!


We paid $26 to cross the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (there is a toll both ways)to get to the Eastern Shore of VA.

We went to the North end of the beach at Cape Charles and only found non-jewelry grade pieces of glass.

We then went to a state park near there...I am sorry I do not know the name of it...anyway, there was no glass to be found at that site.

 Very disappointing beachcombing.

Both beaches rate as poor.

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Comments for Identify my sea glass - Near Ft. Story

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Aug 03, 2016
Ft story seaglass
by: Uncled

JP gonna come by Ft Story this Friday to look for sea glass. First time there.

Jan 17, 2016
Ft. Story
by: Jp Barnes

Nice find. Probably the bottom of a medicine, or maybe even beer bottle. I don't recognize the markings.

I made a great find by Ft. Story on the Cape Henry Shores side that was fused amber/brown. Looked like it had been struck by lightning.

I live in walking distance of the bay on the Shore Drive side. Ever need a hunting buddy on the beach, let me know, ok?

Happy hunting!

Dec 31, 2015
Big Brown THANKS!
by: Karen C.

Thanks so much for helping me with the ID mark on the piece we found. We have narrowed it down to a distilled/liquor bottle bottom produced in 1951...we think.

Again, thank you, and happy hunting always!


Dec 30, 2015
Anchor Hocking Hallmark
by: Cathy - SeaGlassVisions

It is Anchor Hocking.

Do a google search of Anchor Hocking glass marks and you'll find it, and you may be able to date it as it has changed over the years.

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