"hidden message"

I just recently went home for a visit and went to visit the local beach in my hometown. I heard that due to recent storm surges that there was a lot of pretty rocks and shells around the area.

We went just for a walk and that's when I found my first sea glass.

From then on every morning I went to the beach just to look for sea glass and found one that looks unusual.

White and rectangular I liked it a lot due to it's shape. I was rinsing the sand off it when I noticed something inside.

I held it against the sunlight and saw to my suprise two tiny hearts connected by an arrow and the words I LOVE YOU below.We had lots of fun coming up with different stories of how this tiny treasure ended up in our beach.

You might say I found my own "message in a bottle"!

Comments for "hidden message"

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Nov 04, 2011
What a treasure!
by: Gale Campbell

Wow I would have been so excited and would treasure that piece!

Apr 30, 2011
by: robin

Wonderful story!

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