Guantanmo Bay, Cuba - AmorNtheBox Sea Glass Shop

by Raechel
(Guantanmo Bay, Cuba)

Contact Email Address:

amornbox guantanamo sea glass shop

Etsy Shop: AmorNtheBox

My wife and I have recently moved to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as my current duty station as per objective of new orders being in the Navy.

BACKGROUNDamor sea glass

We never really had much of a passion for a new hobby until we came across Glass Beach.

Each spectacle, each shade of color, and the unique cuts that defined each sea glass caught both of our attention.

 Every find of sea glass almost seems like they had their own personality.

amor sea glass

Sea glass quickly became an obsession and addiction that washed up through our daily life here in Guantanmo Bay, Cuba.

Guantanmo Bay, Cuba is a really unique experience and it is very slow pace here.

Who all do you know that you have been able to ask that's been here?


amor sea glassWe find it so exhilarating to be able to start up our ever first Etsy Shop.

Our shop is growing and we are hoping it blooms soon.

It really is a magical experience and as little as it may seem, we are joyed each day by it.

Our shop has over 170 items and we sell a wide variety ranging from authentic (handpicked) sea glass, sea glass gift tags, beach photography, and pebble art shadow boxes.

amor sea glass

The collages we have produced from our wide collectibles really stand apart.

Sea glass has our whole kitchen smothered of its space.

The process of mixing the elegant colors to form a spectacular collection for any sea enthusiast.

I hope we can share our love and passion for sea glass with the community throughout the world.


Feel free to message my wife and I for any inquiries. Check out our Etsy shop listed above. Any positive recommendations or feedback is always welcomed for sea glass collectors.

Thank you everyone for taking the time to thoroughly read our welcoming. :)

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