Greek Sea Glass

by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros
(Voula, Greece/Cudjoe Key Florida)

One of most beautiful finds, Kea Island Greece

One of most beautiful finds, Kea Island Greece

Greetings everyone,

My name is Christeena and I am a professional sea glass collector and sea glass jewelry designer.

Thirteen years ago I moved to Greece on my own. I had turned 40 and was feeling like life was passing me by.

I sold my floral design business and packed two suitcases rented a 400 year old house on the island of Paros smack in the middle of the Greek Islands. At that time I had no idea what my career was going to be.

I had always been a beachcomber and love sunsets, so every night I would walk down to the shores of the Aegean Sea to watch the sunset.

One evening sitting on the beach I put my hand in the sand and up came a pile of sea glass.

By the time I met my Greek sailing captain husband 5 months later I had jars and jars of sea glass on the veranda of my house.

I have always been an artisan so working with the sea glass just came naturaly to me. My little hobby has turned into a full time business.

I have a full jewelry website, I sell down in Key West Florida and I sit on the board of directors for the North American Sea Glass Association.

We still spend our summers in Greece and because my husband is still a captain we have the luxury of traveling through the islands collecting and collecting sea glass.

Our winters are spent in the Florida Keys, no sea glass there but perfect winter weather.

Who knew discarded shards of glass could put me where I am today?

Ahh the wonders of sea glass!

Comments for Greek Sea Glass

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Aug 25, 2022
Greek seaglass
by: Anonymous

I see she didn’t answer you. Me either

May 11, 2021
greek sea glass eggs
by: emad

dear cristy
can you contact me one my email regarding to the sea glass eggs
thanking your reply

Feb 18, 2021
Glass jewelry
by: Toni

I went to the page you said:

It goes to a store in MA.

What is the name of your place in Key West?

Thank you.

Dec 09, 2019
by: Kristina

What a wonderful story! I am the owner of Blingbeachglasswindows and am also a member of NASGA. We were in New Jersey this past September with our windows.
We are planning a trip to Italy and Greece in 2021 and are thinking of going to Santorini and Rhodes. Do you recommend either for finding Seaglass?

Aug 03, 2016
Beautiful Sea Glass!
by: Andrea

I have one of your bracelets and enjoy looking at your website.

We will be in Key West in late January - February for 2 weeks. Do you also sell out of Key West? I thought I read that somewhere.

Could you tell me where?

I'd love to stop there with my friends and buy some more of your beautiful things.

Jul 24, 2015
by: Roberta

Your website is beautiful. You have unique designs. Some designs are quite daring and the Greek seaglass has a special depth and warmth.

Feb 27, 2015
Greek Sea Glass
by: Faith

I'm traveling to Greece this summer, and wondered if there are good seaglass hunting spots near Athens, Mykonos or Santorini?

Christina's blue piece is spectacular.

Hotels in Athens

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