Grand Cayman Island Beach Glass

by Vivian

Grand Cayman Island, Caribbean

Grand Cayman Island, Caribbean

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~ submitted by Vivian

Just returned from a sea glass trip to Grand Cayman on 4/13/09.

Cobalt Coast and Old Man Bay Cemetery  had very little sea glass. Don't waste your time.

However, the beach in front of Turtle Nest Inn was a veritable treasure trove!

We came home with bags of sea glass from just 2 trips to that beach.

~ submitted by Vivian

Comments for Grand Cayman Island Beach Glass

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Mar 29, 2012
Turtle nest inn beach
by: Anonymous

I'm going to grand cayman next month(starting april22) and i am going on carnival magic, and I was wondering how far would it be from the ship.

Jul 06, 2009
Seven Mile Beach
by: Cindy

I lived in Grand Cayman for many years.

You can find some seaglass on Seven Mile Beach. Found mostly green and brown glass.

I found a brown beer bottle intact in South Sound. That was a find.

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