Good for the Soul - July 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest.

by K. and D. Johnson
(Exeter,NH. USA)

Good for the Soul...New Hampshire Sea Glass

Good for the Soul...New Hampshire Sea Glass

~ photo submitted by K. and D. Johnson

Every morning we have coffee on the farmers porch and I stack glass/pottery....

It's my thing and it is good for the soul.

So I took this shot one morning.

Glass was found on secret beach in northern NH...sorry.

I used a Nikon D50 for this photo. 

~ photo submitted by K. and D. Johnson

Added Information:

With only 18 miles of coastline, we will find that secret beach in New Hampshire!

New Hampshire's coastline is the shortest of any of the coastal US states. That being said, it has 18 more miles of coastline than states such as West Virginia, Nevada, and Idaho; states where sea glass lovers would long to have even 5 miles of coastline.

Sandwiched on the coast between Maine and Massachusett's, the interior of the state is varied, boasting the highest mountain in New England. The weather station on Mt. Washington records hurricane force winds 1 out of 3 days, laying claim to the "worst weather in the world."

New Hampshire's short coastline offers a nice contrast, though, with delightful scenes and varied shoreline. Off the Atlantic Coast of New Hampshire are nine small islands, four of which belong to the State of NH. Having been populated at various times, some of these islands hold possible treasures for sea glass hunters. Once again, the legends spring up of buried treasure: Blackbeard is said to have hidden some of his bounty on one of the islands.

So who's up to checking out the Isles of Shoals and scouring the 18 miles of mainland coast in search of a secret beach?

Well, for most of us, we'll just have to sit and wait for more photos and reports from the enchanting New Hampshire's coast.

Added by David Schneider (Main Asst. Floor Man at OdysseySeaGlass)

Comments for Good for the Soul - July 2011 Sea Glass Photo Contest.

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Jul 20, 2011
by: K. Johnson

HA! You guys are funny...Who knows I may slip up sometime. I would not even consider a cash bribe for the place right now. We have been looking for such a long time.

Jul 17, 2011
That Secret Sea Glass Beach
by: Marylyn(SuperNan)

K and D need to send more Submissions with perhaps some little teaser clues!

Lets see if we can guess the beach.

They don't even have to tell us if we guess it correctly.

Just let us know if we are getting closer.
Comments like "oh way too cold" "Warmer" "Colder" etc.

Could be fun!



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